
Annotations and Predictions

Bases: BaseModel

Represents an image annotation, including bounding box coordinates, category,
segmentation, and tags.


coordinates List [ NonNegativeFloat ]Bounding box coordinates in the format [x1, y1, x2, y2]. Examples : [[606, 170.91, 621.35, 184.28]] Constraints : Must be a list of exactly 4 non-negative floats.
category Category The category of the annotated object. This should be an instance of the Category class.
id Optional [str]String ID of the bounding box. It should be unique within the dataset. Examples : ["uuid4"] Default : "" Validation Aliases : "id", "bbox_id"
segmentation Optional [ List [ List[NonNegativeFloat ]]]List of (list of) segmentation points for the annotated object. Examples : [[[431.0, 217.5, 442.0, 215.5, 432.0, 216.5, 431.0, 217.5]]] Default : An empty list.
tags Optional [List[Tag ]]List of tags for the bounding box. Each tag can provide additional metadata for the annotation. Examples : - [ Tag(key="colour", name="colour", values=["peach"]), Tag(key="daytime", name="daytime", values=["night", "snow"]) ] Default : An empty list.

Bases: Annotation

Represents a model prediction, including bounding box coordinates, category,
segmentation, tags, and a confidence score.


coordinates List [ NonNegativeFloat ]Bounding box coordinates in the format [x1, y1, x2, y2]. Inherited from Annotation . Examples : [[606, 170.91, 621.35, 184.28]] Constraints : Must be a list of exactly 4 non-negative floats.
category Category The category of the predicted object. Inherited from Annotation . This should be an instance of the Category class.
id Optional[str]String ID of the bounding box. It should be unique within the dataset. Inherited from Annotation . Examples : ["uuid4"] Default : "" Validation Aliases : "id", "bbox_id"
segmentation Optional[ List [ List [NonNegativeFloat ]]]List of (list of) segmentation points for the predicted object. Inherited from Annotation . Examples : [[[431.0, 217.5, 442.0, 215.5, 432.0, 216.5, 431.0, 217.5]]] Default : An empty list.
tags Optional[ List [ Tag ]]List of tags for the bounding box. Each tag can provide additional metadata for the prediction. Inherited from Annotation . Examples : - [ Tag(key="colour", name="colour", values=["peach"]), Tag(key="daytime", name="daytime", values=["night", "snow"]) ] Default : An empty list.
score NonNegativeFloat Confidence score of the prediction. Examples : [0.75, 1.0, 0.5] Constraints : Must be a non-negative float and less than or equal to 1.0.