5. 🖼️ Rendering images and video clips
5.1 Display images
We'll search via text for green rail car
search_result_green_rail_car = dataset.search_images(
sort_by="vector_text(green rail car)",
5.1.1 Display a single plain image
display_images(search_result_green_rail_car, n_images_to_show=1)
5.1.2 Display the image with bounding boxes
- These annotations are predicted by a Cascade of Foundation Model's pipeline from Tenyks. 📦✨
- Tenyks can fine-tune the Foundation Model to annotate the objects that are relevant to your use case. 🎯🔍
display_images(search_result_green_rail_car, n_images_to_show=1, draw_bboxes=True)
5.1.4 Display a grid of images
display_images(search_result_green_rail_car, n_images_to_show=6, draw_bboxes=True, n_cols=3)
Updated 5 months ago